Table beside is describe comparison between Spark Ignition (SI) and Compression (CI) engine.
Otto cycle is more efficient at a given compression ratio and heat input.
CI engine has higher thermal efficiency due to higher of compression ratio so that CI engine is heavily built.
Exhaust gas temperature for SI engine is high due to low thermal efficiency.
Starting for SI engine is easy due to low cranking effort and at cold weather, CI engine is difficult to starting.
Fuel safety for CI engine is safer due to less volatile and good for marine and confined installation. Noise for SI engined is less and very comfort for car passenger.
Advantage and disadvantage in both type for long continuous running, CI always preferred due to low running cost.
Spark Plug Ignition Stroke

Compression Ignition (Diesel) Stroke

Carburetor for car (for example Honda Grant) production 1992 is not use anymore and it replaced with injection engine.
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